‘The weather is nice’
In order to settle in a country, to make it your home, one has to share their life with someone. Because that’s where happiness lies, right?
Jean regularly watches the rows of windows where various lives are lived in front of him. Feeling encouraged after an endearing voice message from his mother, who of course misses him and who wishes him only happiness, our character Jean decides to go out into the empty streets of the night. His attempt to mingle fails as he doesn’t have the courage to enter a lively bar on his own. So he keeps strolling, just so to come across one of the famous trademarks of the Netherlands. The FEBO-Snack bar.
There, among all the fast food, Jean spots a girl, Sara, who is filling up the shelves from behind the counter. Nobody in the shop sees or notices her. But Jean does, instantly and he’s taken by her.
Maybe she’s his happiness? His home?
This feeling of loneliness and longing from a distance is in these strange COVID times a rather collective feeling and not any more reserved to a minority. It is a mirror for all of us and a reminder that the important work has to be invested into ourselves before we invest into others.
Premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in NYC, US in 2023.
A production from Soda Amsterdam.
With Michael Muller and Sara Luna.
Jord Knotter, Liliana de Vries, Jay Chia Henarah.
Script & Director – Leonardo Cariglino
Producer – SODA Amsterdam
DP – Nanko Goeting
VFX – Marius Kleijn
Edit – Sam Groesbeek
DCP – Chris (Supercoat Films)